All London’s A Stage

Beth’s varied experiences in the Theatre in London program

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Location: Pacifc Northwest, United States

All of the ADHD, none of the creativity.


Cry of the Cynical Romantic

I love Chekhov.I love Victorian romances.



Here in London, 4895 miles from Provo, our flat has acquired a classic couchboy from Draper, Utah. He just finished telling a mission story about how his companion didn't speak English and how Mexican people are crazy.


Wild- and Domesticlife of the West Midlands

Wild rose in the countryside outside Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
Open wild rose
Black sheep at Mary Arden and Palmer's Farm, Wilmcote
Very fat and proud rooster in WilmcoteMother Goose in WilmcoteWild BYU coeds at Kenilworth Castle, Kenilworth, WarwickshireView from the eel trap at Warwick Castle, Castle Hill, Warwick
Wildlife in the Warwick Castle ZooVery reputable-looking jeweller in Stratford-upon-Avon

Going mad at Oxford