All London’s A Stage

Beth’s varied experiences in the Theatre in London program

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Location: Pacifc Northwest, United States

All of the ADHD, none of the creativity.


A Walk in the Country

Well-hydrated roomies
Reflections on Blackfriar's station
London suburbs flying by
Barred into the castle
Norman ruins
Celtic cross in the churchyard of a Gothic church
Old Gothic church
Madonna and child
The green gorgeousness almost became passé after we saw so much of it
Behind Shoreham church
A hairy cow
Stream in Eynsford
Rape blossoms (from which canola oil is made)

Yesterday a gigantic group including my programme, all three programmes from the BYU London Centre, and a few people from a nearby stake took a train to Shoreham, Kent, and then walked through the Sevenoaks district. We saw several small towns (Eynsford, Lullingstone) and a lot of devastatingly beautiful countryside.


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